quinta-feira, dezembro 09, 2004

Lersch buscando a taça

Alexandre Lersch recebendo o troféu de campeão da série B de 2000. "Tive de buscar a taça, pois os demais caras do time estavam todos podres de bêbados na festa de encerramento do campeonato... num que estado lamentável."rsrsrs

Posted by Hello

2 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

alex, is that you recieving a trophy?
i can not read a word, just see your face in the pictures!
do not laugh!
tell me what words mean: taca? barrera? tell me more
your american friend marie

Anônimo disse...

Yeah, it's me recieving the trophy... I know that is difficult for you understand any single word in portuguese. "Taça" is the same that trophy and "Barrera" is the name of our soccer team, that means something like "human wall". I'm very pleased that you published your comment here in this blog... I guess this is the first female comment (laughs). Well, about my friends, all of them are nice fellows, is very trustworthy group, that makes me tick and proud. They're such good people like you. Big hug from your real brazilian friend alex. "Hello Marie, here is alex speaking from the top 4... I'm all set over here, let's start it up this lift."
See ya, and keep getting in touch with me... permanetly.